My Husband loving on me, with my green mouth because of the sprinkles!
So tonight Pablo and I had our first official family home evening. It wasn't anything to planned out! But I thought it was a great way to spend time together and do something we both love! To start off the evening we went to the gym! I ran 3 and a half miles, but afterward my face was a tomatoe sort of red and my heart was pounding really bad, I tried to rest and see if everything would calm down, but it wouldn't go away, so we were only able to spend about an hour at the gym! But even though I got all flushed, I felt I had a great workout! When we got home we had a delicious meal we made together of shrimp and rice, we did amazing if I do say so myself!
Then the best part.....the refreshments! I know kinda contradictive after going to the gym to have dessert....but what is family home evening without dessert??? So together we made sugar cookies! It was so much fun! I always have a blast with my husband and love being married to someone I can laugh and play with!!!
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