Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Merry Christmas 2011

What a great Holiday season! Christmas was so great! We had so much fun with family. Pablo and I also were able to find out the sex of our precious little baby! and we are having a...................................drum roll.........GIRL!!! Yeah Maya Kaydence Hernandez! We are so thrilled and can't wait to see her adorable little face! During the holidays we went and saw the lights, decorated stockings, and made gingerbread houses, but the best part of all was doing all those things with family! We are so blessed to have Pablos family so close by. We missed my family and are excited to enjoy christmas with them next year! But the good thing is we got to skype and kind of be with them on Christmas morning. Pablo had to work on Christmas day so I tagged along and got to see what my hubby does all day! We had a lot of fun together! I am so blessed to have a man in my life who works so hard for his family! Merry Christmas all and a happy new year!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving Celebrations

So Pablo and I had a fabulous thanksgiving. We spent it at Pablo's brothers house with Pablo's parents, his brother and sister in law, and Alexs family. It was truly such a good time. We had an amazing meal and then played some games. We were going to go shopping, but we decided against it, because we were so tired! The next day we went to Reston Town Center and watched the parade and that night watched the lighting of the tree and listened to carols. It was so much fun, and something I think we will keep as a tradition for years to come.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! I just thought I would come and tell a little of what I am thankful for this time of year, and all throughout the year. I am so thankful for the family that I have been married into! I couldn't have asked for better parent in laws or cousin in laws or sister/brother in laws. They have treated me as part of the family from the very beginning! I am also very grateful for my immediate family! I am so far from them right now but they are always there for me, and we talk often! I am so grateful for my husband! He is always there to encourage me and bring me up! He is my best friend and eternal companion and I am so grateful for him in my life! I am grateful for the gospel and temples! I am grateful for the knowledge of eternal families! Right now I am most grateful for my little baby! She/he (but I think she :)), has already brought me so much joy and happiness and I can't wait to hold her in my arms! Today is going to be a great day full of celebration, I will post pictures soon! Love you all!! :)

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Changes, Changes, and more Changes

Because Pablo and I have had some major changes in the last few months I decided that I should start blogging again. I know how much my mom would appreciate that! :) Anyway. Pablo and I finally graduated from BYU-Idaho in July and have moved back to Virginia for good. We are both very excited to start this next chapter in our lives. We were both very blessed to recieve good jobs very soon after returning to Virginia. I recieved a full time job at a preschool not far from where we live. I work with some great women, and love being able to teach young children. As for Pablo he recieved a maintance job in DC, he has a little bit of a commute, but he enjoys it. About a month after returning home we recieved some very unexpected news. Pablo and I discovered I was pregnant. We were very surprised, but excited as well! The Hernandez side of the family is going to be welcoming 3 new additions within the next 6 months, and we couldn't be more excited. The Black family has also gained a new addition to our family. Kim was married in October, and we are blessed to have a new brother in our family. I am so grateful for family and the blessing that God has put on this earth to be sealed for all eternity. As our family expands I pray that we can continue traditions, and grow closer all the time. Although I am far from my family, I am grateful for the advances in technology where we can communicate face to face whenever we need too or want too! I love my family! And miss them everyday, but its a blessing seeing them whenever we need too! :)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentines Day!!

This Valentines Day weekend has been so much fun. Pablo and I were able to come to Grantsville and spend some time with my family. It was so great because everyone in my family was able to come home for the weekend. Friday night Pablo and I were albe to travel to Payson and see Grandma Maughan, Grandma Great and Grandpa Dale! We had a blast talking to them and hearing fun stories! On Saturday the family, including Grandma Roberts and Uncle Mike and his family got to go to Deseret Star and watch the play Twi-Lite. It was pretty funny and it was Pablo's first time going, he really enjoyed it along with everyone else, we decided that we would come to one every so often because they are so good. That night Pablo and I had our own little date, we went to Rodizio Grill. We always enjoy ourselves when we go there, but always leave way to stuffed! But it was fun to go out and spend some time together for V-day! Sunday we all went to church together and then came home and decorated v-day cookies! I love our family traditions! It was so much fun!! I hope everyone had a wonderful valentines day and know how much I love you all!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

3 months have past.....

I decided that I am a horrible blogger! I want to be good at it. So much has happened these last three months, we had Halloween, Thanksgiving and we moved back to ID and started school. I am going into preschool education and I am loving my classes. All but 2 have to do with children and it has been so fun. Pablo is getting closer everyday to graduation. He is so excited!! We are not very fond of the snow here, it has been SO cold. But we have enjoyed being in our new place and decorating it. I work at JB's as a waitress and have enjoyed that. Pablo and I are both trying to get into shape again, we sort of lost it while in VA, but I am doing competitive basketball and I am loving getting back into the sport, although I lost a lot of my skills! HEHE! And Pablo is playing indoor soccer. We both go to cycling every Tuesday and Thursday, so little by little we are getting there! :) So because I haven't posted for so long I have TONS of pictures. So I am just going to let you see an over view of our lives!! :) The pictures kinda go backwards, oh well!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Tag: Me and Him

What are your middle names? Mine is Nicole and Pablo's is Daniel

How long have you been together? Well We dated for 2 years before we got married and we have been married for 6 months! So we have been together for 2 1/2 years! Wow that is a long time!

How long did you know each other before you started dating? HAHA! Well Pablo and I met in January 4 days after coming home from his mission, I saw him a couple times at single adult activities from then till like April! He got my number in like March. He didn't ask me out until May, But he was worth the wait.....definitely!!!

Who asked who out? He asked me out....over text I might add.

Whose siblings do you see the most? I do, I have 3 he has 1

Do you have any children together? Not yet, we are thinking in about 2 years.

What about pets? Not yet, we want a dog eventually, I want a Maltese poodle, Pablo wants a mini bull terrier.

Did you go to the same school? Not before we got married. But now that we are married we are going to the same school.

Who is the most sensitive? That would most definitely be me!! I am so much more sensitive compared to him it's not even funny!

Where is the furthest you have ever traveled as a couple? driving from Utah to Virginia, the first time it took 3 days the second time it took 2! It's a fun drive, when I am with my hubby!!

Who has the worst temper? I think it's safe to say that Pablo has the worst temper.

Who does the cooking? Lately I cook more than Pablo does, but when we were in Idaho I would say he did more of the cooking! He would always have dinner ready when I would get home from work! He is so sweet!

Who is more social? I think Pablo is more social. I don't make friends real fast and so because we have been moving around a lot these last few months I haven't been too social!

Who is the neat freak? I think we are both really clean. We have our dirty moments but it never lasts long! We don't like clutter or having a messy house!

Who is the most stubborn? We are actually very equal in this area. We are both very stubborn and it's just hard to ever get either one of us to say we are wrong. We just have to agree to disagree.

Who hogs the bed? It really depends on the night. And we never really have a problem with bed hogging, just blanket hogging.

Where was your first date? For our first date we met up at Potomac Mills. We hadn't seen each other for a couple months, But we met up there, ate at Chilli's and then watched Spider Man 3 with a couple friends. Pablo also bought me a red rose to end the night! It really was a great first date!

Who has the bigger family? Me, I have 6 Pablo has 4

Do you get flowers often? Not really, Pablo has gotten me flowers a couple times, but that really isn't his thing.

Who eats more? Pablo eats more, but that is OK, he is a growing boy! :)

Who sings better? I do, but he tries! =)

Who does the laundry? I do, We usually fold them together, but I get it started. I like doing the laundry.

Who is better with the computer? I would say Pablo, I am not really that good at all.

Who drives when you are together? Pablo for sure. He hates not being in control of the car.

Who picks where you go to dinner? It's usually quite a funny conversation. Pablo starts out by saying, where do you want to eat? I say well I think here or there sounds good, then he says OK, then a few minutes later he says well what about here, and I say yeah that sounds great, then a few minutes later he says somewhere different, and then he just gets so hungry that he goes to the closest restaurant that we talked about! HEHE!

Who is the first one to admit when they are wrong? hmmmm... With both of us being so stubborn it's a rare occasion when either of us admit we are wrong.

Who wears the pants in the relationship? It really depends on the situation, but I think usually it's got to be me! :0

Who eats more sweets? I have no problem admitting I am definitely the sweet tooth.

Who cries more? That would be me! I have only seen Pablo cry a hand full of times, the last being our wedding day.

Who wakes up earlier? ME....Pablo is definitely NOT a morning person.

What's your best day together? I would have to say our wedding day so far! Best day ever!

Where did you honeymoon? We like to say Washington DC

Favorite date night? We don't' really have a date night, we just randomly go out on dates. I love it!

Favorite TV show to watch together? Cake Boss, Ghost hunters, basically any reality TV show! We just love watching TV together, we aren't huge movie people, mostly just TV! But I think Cake Boss is our favorite, Pablo always tells me to call him Buddy when we are baking! HEHE!!!!